This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from Pure Fix CyclesWhen something goes wrong on your....
This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from Pure Fix Cycles
When something goes wrong on your ride, and you have the right tools to fix it, you’re prepared. When something goes wrong on someone else’s ride and you have the right tools to fix it, you’re a hero. And once that’s happened a few times, you’ll stop leaving the house without your Park Tool Mini Fold-Up. I mean, does Clark Kent leave the house without wearing his Superman PJs underneath his clothes? No, he doesn’t. Busted chain? Got it. Hex wrenches? Boatloads of ‘em. What’s a star driver? Who cares, boom, T25! Check out the specs below to see everything packed into this tiny trove, and pop one in your saddlebag so you can ride without sweating what the street might throw your way.
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