This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from Pure Fix CyclesReynolds 66mm Carbon Tubular Pro Wheel....
This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from Pure Fix Cycles
Excuses are cheap. Losing another race, being late for another date, getting chumped again by the grandma on the mountain bike; they're not the end of the world - and they're a heck of a lot cheaper than these wheels.
But maybe that's not good enough for you. Maybe you've gone as far as you want to go on excuses and now you want to see how you'll do with nothing standing in your way. These tubeless Reynolds wheels weigh a combined 3lbs 13oz, are made from race-ready carbon fiber, and are buttery smooth. They're not guaranteed to make you win, but they're guaranteed to prevent any post-race blame-game-ing about your equipment not being up to the task. Heads up though, there's a lot of pressure when the weakest part of your bike is you; are you ready for that?
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