This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from Pure Fix CyclesYour lights should last forever. Weather,....
This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from Pure Fix Cycles
Your lights should last forever. Weather, thieves, bumpy roads, dead batteries; there’s a seemingly endless list of things that can cut the lives of lights short, so Fortified designed their Aviator/Afterburner combo to be a pair that never needs to be replaced. Waterproof, shockproof, rechargeable, and mounted with custom bolts to prevent theft, this dynamic duo is ready for whatever the streets throw their way. The best part? Fortified is so committed to the concept that their lights should last forever that if anything does defeat them, they’ll replace ‘em for you! These are the last lights you'll ever need to buy.
Custom bolts lock the lights to your frame, while an aluminum fuselage makes them waterproof and shockproof. And if anything does ever happen to them, we replace 'em.
We spent nearly 2 years engineering a custom cell that works for the city. To recharge, simply pop out the special battery and plug it into any USB port.
To keep recharging to a minimum, we focused on milliamp hours and circuit efficiency.
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